
Displaying 211 - 220 of 1107
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Saving time and costs thanks to T-Cube wireless sensors

Environmental testing at system level of complete spacecrafts requires several hundreds of sensors both for mechanical and thermal-vacuum testing. Wireless sensors provide a competitive solution to avoid buying, assembling, installing and in the end, withdrawing hundreds of cables.


7-8 November 2019

10th FOKUS FUSECO FORUM: 5G Reality Check: State Of Play In 5G Technologies, Applications & How To Start With 5G

Robotic arms for Electric Orbit Raising fly off the shelf

A novel pair of robotic arms have become a hardware hit for Euro Heat Pipes, a European company specialising in space thermal control. The unique fully-articulated robotic thruster arms, which help with Electric Orbit Raising, are the brainchild of the Belgian company who developed the innovation under ESA’s ARTES Competitiveness & Growth programme.