Overview Artemis

Artemis Achievements

The Advanced Relay and TEchnology MISsion (Artemis) is still the most advanced telecommunication satellite system produced under an ESA contract. Embedded in its name is the dual nature of this satellite system that adopts a large array of innovative technologies to pave the way for a new range of satellite products and services.

Artemis has successfully completed such tasks as:

  • Transfer of data from Low Earth Orbit satellites in optical and RF bands
  • Satellite mobile communications over Europe, Northern Africa and part of the Middle East
  • Navigation services for the EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service) system

Artemis embarks the first laser terminal conceived to establish a communication link over a distance of 40,000 km with earth observation satellites to transfer their valuable data to ground. The first link was established with SPOT-4 only 4 months after Artemis launched, while the satellite was still on its 18 month rescue journey after a partial launch failure.

Since April 2003, Artemis has been fully operational in its orbital slot at 21.5 degrees East and is operating all of its communication services with a remarkable reliability. As such, it has become an essential contributing factor to the success of other ESA missions, such as ENVISAT and ATV.

Alongside the core satellite missions, the Artemis system is available to the European and Canadian space industry as an element of orbital infrastructure that can accommodate new experimental services thanks to the flexibility of its communication payload.

Today Artemis is not only a precursor of the coming up European Data Relay System (EDRS) but can be regarded as an integral part of its infrastructure for the first years of operation.