Presentations: Workshop Promoting Applications using the HYLAS 1 Satellite

Avanti and ESA are offering an opportunity to exploit capacity on the HYLAS 1 satellite for applications projects that apply for the agency’s ARTES 3-4 and ARTES 20 programme lines.

Application projects should develop and then trial a satellite-based application for an extended period with real users in order to gather feedback and refine the product before commercial launch.

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19th October 2011

Time Subject Speaker
10:00 Welcome David Parker - UK Space Agency Director Technology, Science and Exploration
Michael Lawrence - Technology Strategy Board
10:10 Introduction by ESA and Avanti Magali Vaissiere – ESA Director TIA,
Amnon Ginati – ESA Head, Integrated and Telecommunications related Applications Department
David Bestwick - CTO, Avanti Communications
10:10 Logistical information Thomas Bouvet - ESA
10:25 HYLAS ESA - Avanti success story Andrea Cotellessa – ESA’s HYLAS 1 project manager
10:45 Presentation of the ESA HYLAS 1 Initiative Marco Sartori - ESA
11:00 HYLAS 1 Programme Overview
Presentation of Avanti Info about HYLAS 1 and DART
David Bestwick and Graham Peters - Avanti
11:45 Lunch
13:00 Demonstration of Avanti Ka-band terminal Tim Mitchell - Avanti
13:30 Presentation of the ITT/ Proposal process Francesco Feliciani - ESA
14:15 IAP presence at ESA Harwell Alan Brunstrom - ESA
14:25 Q&A session
14:45 Coffee Break
15:00 One to One discussions about your ideas
Chance for discussion of potential ideas with ESA and Avanti