150W C-Band Industrialisation Phase of Radiation and Conduction Cooled TWTs

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Qualification of 150W C-Band Radiation Cooled TWT

Qualification of 150W C-Band Conduction Cooled TWT.

  • RC design
  • High power design
  • Improved multi-stage collector

Today, the highest power in C-band is 125 W and only in conduction cooled version. The trend to move to higher power and the request of radiation cooling version will create a large opportunity to market the new high power radiation cooled C-band TWT immediately after finalization of the development and qualification.


Technology and process qualification on subassembly and TWT level:

  • High Power gun
  • Multi-stage collector – on subassembly and tube level (TV, VT)
  • Radiation cooled design and Conduction cooled design available
  • TNC RF output (multipaction)
  • Output Power 150W
  • Efficiency Improvement
  • Increased bandwidth

Project divided 5 Phases:

  1. Design Phase finalized by PDR
  2. Post Development Phase
  3. Validation Phase finalized by CDR
  4. Verification Phase finalized by TRR
  5. Final Phase
Current status

The qualification of for the new design 150W C-Band CC and RC Version was successfully performed. The project is closed.

Prime Contractor