Status date2014-12-09
The ADMiNiSTRA Project intends to offer Public Administrations an integrated satellite communication service to support e-Government services. Openet has identified five public institutions that will be involved in the pilot phase of the Project. They will become sponsoring partners offering evaluation for the business model and they are:
- League of Autonomies with five sub levels to be identified once the project starts up (Italy),
- Municipality of Bari with five editorial/press offices (ITALY),
- Basilicata Region with five municipalities (ITALY),
- Sicily Region with five municipalities (ITALY),
- Dâmbovita County with Valahia University in Târgovi_te (ROMANIA).
Moreover, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania and Bucharest have expressed an interest in the service platform and the business model that Openet is going to validate in the project.
The ADMiNiSTRA project proposes an integrated communication system allowing public administration institutions to receive the service as well as to transmit content - through satellite - towards their own local area of customers represented by sub-level structures (for example, regional offices will transmit content to municipalities). The result will be the setting up of a satellite network called "ADMiNiSTRA Business Television".
ADMiNiSTRA also foresees the transmission of e-learning sessions which can be accessed off-line by public employees, called "ADMiNiSTRA Service".
The e-learning and interactive services are supported by IP technology via satellite. The project aims at distributing services to Public Administrations through a bi-directional satellite platform.
The key points in the project are the development of:
- An integrated and interactive system based on satellite bi-directional platform for the delivery of a comprehensive service of Business Television for Public Administration;
- Applications for implementing and delivering services (e-learning) for Public Administration.
The expected main benefits that Openet foresees to gain from this project are:
- To create an integrated, self contained, one-stop solution for the communication needs of the Public Administration, conceived as an alternative to the existing terrestrial connections RUPAR,
- To create a satellite system network between all the PAs,
- To offer bi-directional services for communication between the Press Offices of Public Administrations,
- To develop a competitive service to the Public Administration for commercial purposes.
Openet Technologies will set up a complete service suite to install and configure the System. The typology of contents (i.e. distance-learning, video-learning), their formats (i.e. txt, doc, pdf, avi, asf) and the procedures for visualisation inside the interface (i.e. full display, interactive video, video loop, banner size, visualisation of contents in tree structure) will be defined by the Public Administration, although they might be modified afterwards by the Openet staff in agreement with the Press office of the Main Level.
The Content Owner-Client will have a double role, firstly as a passive receiver of contents, secondly as a maker of specific 'raw' contents. Through an appropriate interface, activated in the set-up phase, the Content Owners will be guided in the choice of the content typology inside the database according to different visualisation layouts.
The 'raw' contents will be transmitted by the interactive terminal of the SkyPlexNet system called 'Sat A' installed in the production centre of the Public Administration to Openet Technologies.
Openet's staff will process the content into the correct format (adapted for the player) and afterwards will redirect it to the relevant Press Office. The infrastructure available at the Public Administration centre, called Main Level, will therefore get the final contents which will be distributed over the territory by the Sat A, according to the specific needs.
In parallel to the Business TV service, e-learning contents will be sent to Content Owners for off-line use.
Openet Technologies - Service Centre |
Main Level |
Following the finalisation of the Baseline Design Review, the ADMiNiSTRA project will develop the infrastructure together with the application software, guide the Public Administration with organising the raw content, deliver the raw content for post production to Openet, receive the final product from Openet and organise the delivery of the palimpsest over the territory.
After the successful Pilot Qualification Review, the ADMiNiSTRA architecture will be deployed over the 5 different Public Administration Centres, and the pilot operation will be run to validate the system and consolidate the business model.
The project pilot phase has been completed. All the three administrations involved have expressed positive evaluations and the Sicily Region has asked Openet to continue to provide the Administra services; all the engagements and benefits have been defined in a formal contract which will cover a three year period.
Moreover, Openet Technologies has just presented the ADMiNiSTRA project results during the 7th Global Forum on Reinventing Government, which took place in Vienna, 26th-29th June 2007. The Media Partnership started with the United Nations during the project pilot phase allowed Openet great visibility during the event. Many strategic contacts have been launched and lots of them have expressed interest in the project and the services developed.