Status date2014-12-17
The key issue to be tackled in this project is the development of a compact travelling wave tube power supply (typically 5kV) capable of reliable operation at 70,000 ft in an un-pressurised aircraft.
Key design issues to be overcome include:
Thermal management
Packaging density
Component layout - to enable high voltage operation at altitude.
Resin or silicon encapsulation of components.
The introduction of an ITAR free Satcom unit into the airborne satcom market.
The resulting TWTA system will initially feature an e2v Ku band travelling wave tube, but will be capable of operation with other TWTs.
Potential applications include:
- Disaster relief.
- Homeland security/security monitoring/crime prevention and detection.
- Natural resource monitoring/crop monitoring.
- Urban traffic control.
- Peace keeping.
A detailed GANTT chart is published on daptiv.
The overall project is expected to take 20 months.
Key review meetings are timetabled at key points throughout the project.
Project kick off..…………..February 2010
PDR………………………..September 2010
MTR………………………..Kick off + 10 months
Final Review………………Kick off + 20 months
In addition, monthly progress reports will be issued and published on the e-project web site.
The project was kicked off at e2v Chelmsford in February 2010.
The project Mid Term Review was held at e2v on 18th April 2011 with an unconditional pass.
Following an e2v initiated break in the project execution, restart of engineering activity commenced in January 2014.
A total of 2 engineering and seven pre-production units have been produced and tested. Qualification was by read across from a parallel airborne microwave power module development activity at e2v.
Project completion was concluded in July 2014.