Status date2009-04-22
The objective of this activity is to develop a set of C-band TTC and Feeder Link antennas with ISO / Hemi coverage.
The feed link antenna is aimed to be part of the communication system on-board a Geomobile satellite. It is normally complemented by forward and aft oriented omni coverage antennas for TTC use operating at the same frequency bands.
Development of C-band TTC and Feeder Link antennas and Qualification Test of these.
Low cost feed link and TTC antennas for Geomobile application.
BDR | 14 February 2008 |
MTR | 28 April 2008 |
Final Review | 3 September 2008 |
Final Report | 19 December 2008 |
Current status
Final Achievements
The following antenna models will be used during the study program: Deliverables:
1 EQM Rx Feeder Link Antenna
1 EQM Rx Telecommand Antenna
1 EQM Tx Telemetry