COPI - Constellation OPeration Infrastructure (COPI)

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copi objectives

The overarching objective of the COPI project is to enable new space-based data business models and related applications by improving the access, adaptability, automatization, and responsiveness of Spire’ multi-constellations operations and infrastructure.  

Under the COPI project Spire is developing a full web User Interface (UI) for customers, akin to Amazon's AWS Admin dashboard, that includes satellite mission management and optimization features that makes deploying, operating, and scaling applications in space faster and easier using Spire Space Services.

copi objectives


copi objectives


A crucial ingredient of granting access to space to new users and applications is the removal of the complexity, risk, and even visibility from the space component. Users of space infrastructures do not care about launch dates and sensor specs as much as they care about receiving their data on time and in a very simple way. Spire is doing it by internalizing the infrastructure, process, and R&D that used to be part of its customers' core business, as well as by creating new business models for the infrastructure component that mirrors service-based monthly pricing.

Ultimately, this kind of offering aims at non-expert customers who interact with their space application through an API without even realizing it. This vision for Spire is a way to enable space-based data services and applications as part of the everyday life of any commercial entity such as the cloud is today.


The Constellation Operation Infrastructure enables hands-off mission operations. The rise of low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite constellations has led to the need of a system that can automate and operate a fleet of satellite.

The UI/UX web interface allows you to connect directly with each satellite to task, schedule and check every aspect of your payload, data, fleet health and mission planning. It also lets you to see the historical and future path of your satellites, instantly schedule payload windows, schedule within payloads, in case of a multi-payload constellation. 

Adopters of satellite infrastructure are looking operate with easy to use, less technical and simpler systems, that allow for non-specialist audience to become super users as well. A system like COPI allows exactly for that need. It removed the need for increasing CAPEX and hiring a team of operators and downscales to a team of few that can rely on automated systems to deliver success.


Simple and Built for Scale

The web interface removes the complexity of the underlying technology and processes to operate space assets. The constellation management system is built for scale, so you can easily renew, upgrade, and expand your constellation as your business grows.

Direct control of your payload

You control your payload directly, without any human-in-the-loop. Your commands and data flow through the Spire network fully encrypted, with the option to add a second layer of client-side encryption using keys only you hold.

Simple. Easy-to-use. API First.

An easy-to-use mission control interface, the API is built for ease of integration with your data platform to enhance your product.

  • Upload: Get started by uploading your configuration and software updates 

  • Schedule & task: Our RESTful API allows direct interface for scheduling operations with time windows, and for the payload to receive and act on events generated by the satellite bus

  • Automatic download and analyze: Your data is downloaded automatically through an encrypted secure API into your dedicated AWS bucket  


COPI product features

Through the COPI project the constellation management system builds a host of features in the web interface that allow to track all critical satellite parameters as well as fleet operations.

System Architecture

The system architecture is explained through the following diagram: 

COPI system architecture

The sequence begins with a user's browser interacting with Amazon Cognito, accessing the authentication page, and submitting their credentials (username and password). Upon receiving this information, Amazon Cognito requests multi-factor authentication (MFA) from the user, providing an extra layer of security. The user responds by providing the MFA, typically a code sent to their device. Once the MFA is successfully received and validated, Cognito generates a secure JSON Web Token (JWT) containing the user's authentication and profile information and sends it back to the browser.

In the next stage, the browser, equipped with the JWT token, sends a request to the internal console's /api/ endpoint. The request includes the JWT token in the Bearer field of the header. On receiving the request, the console reaches out to Amazon Cognito to verify the token's validity. Cognito confirms the token's authenticity and relays this verification back to the console. After confirming the token's validity, the console requests Cognito to provide additional user information embedded within the token. Cognito processes this request and returns the relevant information, including the organization ID associated with the authenticated user. 

With the user now authenticated and their credentials verified, the console initiates communication with the internal tasking service. It sends a request to the Tasking service's /satellites/ endpoint, incorporating the user's organization ID and email in the request. The Tasking service receives and processes this request, returning data associated with the satellites linked to the specific organization ID.

Upon receiving the satellites data from the Tasking service, the console renders this information and displays it to the user via their browser. Hence, the sequence reflects a secure authentication and data retrieval process that involves the user's browser, Amazon Cognito for authentication, and the internal console and tasking services to accurately deliver satellite data to an authenticated user.


Kick-off Meeting : T0 
Requirements Review (Incl. CDR) : T0 + 6 months 
APIs Validation Review (Incl. TRR1) : T0 + 12 months 
UIs Validation Review (Incl. TRR2) : T0 + 18 months 
Final Review (Incl. FAT) : T0 + 24 months 

Current status

Successful Kick-Off of the Constellation Operation Infrastructure project On 18 January 2023, the “Constellation Operation Infrastructure” COPI project was officially launched by Spire and ESA

COPI current status

Prime Contractor