Status date2016-06-03
Activity Code4F.065
- Development of a Microelectronics Platform to enable mixed mode ASIC’s using a radiation-hardened-by-design solution for XFAB CMOS 0.18µ technology node
- Design, manufacturing, test and qualification of generation 1 DPC (Digital Programmable Controller) chips based on mainly available mixed mode ASIC microelectronics technology UMC-DARE
The main challenges are related to the product innovation and development complexity associated with developed mixed-signal radiation hardened ASIC, with very broad functionality and high-level performance. As far as known, the DPC being an integrated Rad-Hard mixed signal microcontroller is a world première.
The DPC G1 is a versatile mixed-mode, radiation hardened ASIC that can be used in a variety of applications, giving the final product benefits in cost as well as flexibility in use.
On-going applications are:
- DPC as Building block for NEO Avionics and RTU
- MOTOR Control
- General purpose analogue & digital I/O bus client with mil-1553B or CAN interfaces
- Monitoring and protection
- Intelligent remote sensors management
- Demonstration of DPC driven vibrating gyro at Onera
Overall features and performances are published in project Final report (ESA Artes C&G), publicly available.
A detailed data sheet is available under NDA cover. Please contact Product Manager for more information.
More information can be found in the following publications:
AMICSA 2014:
CCT CNES 2014:
ADCSS2015: DPC application in Avionics / RTU :
AMICSA 2016:
Paper in preparation regarding on-going DPC applications.
DPC G1 development is now completed. Focus is now on qualification testing and applications.
XFAB technology Platform is now under development. Platform Evaluation test vehicle has just been taped out.
DPC G1 Final review successful.
XFAB Technology Platform development on going.
For information: DPC G1 Qualification on-going under Artes C&G contract.