DOMUK Dielectric-loaded high-power Output de-MUltiplexer at Ku/ka-band

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This project activity aims at developing Ku-band and Ka-band compact high-power ODEMUX (Output Demultiplexer) based on ceramic-loaded resonators to be used in next generation on-board satellite systems. A review of the most suitable concepts for compact ODEMUX based on ceramic-loaded resonators will be carried out with emphasis on filter high-Q performance, thermal stability, high-power handling in space environment and compactness. The activity will trade off and select at least two baseline concepts for Ku-band and at least two concepts for Ka-band and will produce a detailed design of breadboards (BB) in phase 1 and of engineering models (EM) in phase 2. The EM will be based on the more promising baselines selected at end of phase 1. Finally, an extensive test campaign will be performed on the two EM ODEMUXs at Ku-band and Ka-band. 


Dielectric-loaded resonators allow to significantly reduce mass and size of high-Q filters. In particular, ceramic materials allow both for significant size reduction (thanks to their high relative permittivity) and for high-Q (thanks to their high QxF factor). Compact filters, anyway, risk to be very sensitive to manufacturing tolerances of the ceramic parts. Moreover, power-handling risks to be critical mainly because ceramic materials does not allow for a good thermal flow as metal materials and because their Multipactor features need to be studied case by case. Custom designs and studies in combination between electromagnetic and thermo-mechanical domains need to be performed to carefully evaluate, trade-off and mitigate risk of thermal instability and criticality in high-power operating conditions.


In satellite, a single Travelling Wave Tube Amplifier (TWTA) is shared between two or more beams in current multi-beam (Ku/Ka-band) on-board systems. This is in order to reduce the number of high-power amplifiers embarked on the satellite. In this scenario an Output De-Multiplexer (ODEMUX) is employed after the TWTA to separate the signals destined for each beam. In the case of a two-channel system, the ODEMUX is like a two-channel diplexer having two transmitting filters. 

For multi-beam systems a high number of identical ODEMUX are required due to the nature of the frequency re-use scheme. This imposes very stringent requirements on the ODEMUX in terms of performance, mass and footprint. It is well known that dielectric-loaded cavity filters offer significant size, mass and footprint reductions of at least 30% with respect to conventional waveguide-cavity filter technology.


The DOMUK project is based on ceramic-loaded high-Q resonators used to develop new generation of compact and high-power ODEMUX at Ku-band and Ka-band.

System Architecture

In satellite, a single Travelling Wave Tube Amplifier (TWTA) is shared between two or more beams in current multi-beam (Ku/Ka-band) on-board systems. This is in order to reduce the number of high-power amplifiers embarked on the satellite. In this scenario an Output De-Multiplexer (ODEMUX) can be employed after the TWTA to separate the signals destined for each beam.


The entire work of the project is organized and divided into two technical and contractual phases. 

In the first parts, the most promising technology concepts are planned to be tested at BB level, leading to the final design concept selection. In the second part, EMs close to a final product have to be designed and subjected to an extensive environmental and RF test campaign.

Current status

The project is finalized. 

FR meeting of the project is scheduled in May 2024.

Prime Contractor