Status date2012-06-26
The aim of the e-regSAT project is to provide a multi-service environment in the framework of regional information. In this environment, e-government services are mainly considered in order to reach wide communities of users. e-regSAT intends to cover these three areas:
Communication: support the regional planning and development activities through:
- Internationalisational Services: real time events (seminars) will be made available to the target organisations. These will be organised in L'Aquila at the SSPO premises.
- Sustainable Development Strategies Seminars: qualified international experts will explain and demonstrate, through remote virtual seminars, innovative methodologies derived from the experience of the 5th. Framework Programme.
- EU Information Services: information seminars will be organised by the EU Abruzzo Regional Office in Brussels to provide monthly events.
Institutional Information Dissemination : foster the Public Administration (PA) and opportunities knowledge, to provide transparent and equal information access, strengthening the social cohesion. A palimpsest will provide the diffusion of regional information and its activities to public opinion, professional and category organisations, SME, other offices and support the traditional media environment.
Distance Learning, Internal Communication, Best Practices Support: learning services will be provided to PA personnel coherent with those courses already adopted in the "European Area", extending and integrating the existing planned course structure. A number of training courses to provide tools and methods for internal PA personnel will be delivered through the Integrated Services platform.
The project team skills cover:
The project is sponsored by the Special Support Press Organisation (SSPO) of Regione Abruzzo.
Learning and interactive services today are supported almost totally by IP technology, while the broadcasting services (communication, information) are delivered through the traditional TV platform. The project aims at diffusing services through an integrated platform. Particular attention is given to the MHP platform and to the adaptation of services to the MHP environment (an additional task specific to the deployment of MHP-delivered applications is planned).
The key technological points addressed by the project are:
- The deployment of broadband services laying on a full standard IP satellite communication system.
- The development of an integrated and interactive video communication platform (the e-regSAT platform), for the delivery of e-Government services (accessible through a dedicated portal).
- The development of applications for implementing MHP-delivered services in the framework of e-Government services.
E-Government services delivered via satellite are intended to increase efficacy and effectiveness of:
- Distance learning and collaborative work processes for Regional and Local Public Authority employees, and University employees;
- Institutional communications and citizen services.
The e-regSAT platform (deployed on top of Telespazio's Evolv-e satellite communications infrastructure) will operate in the e-Government scenario to deliver communication, information and training services to target users. |
Pilot users will access the e-regSAT services through a Web Portal. The portal, being the front-end for the incoming users' requests, will communicate information regarding the mission of the e-regSAT project and the available services. |
As for the MHP-delivered services, these applications will be developed in order to distribute information (contents produced for the Infonews Channel service) over a network of MHP set-top boxes. The MHP applications will offer end-users local interactivity (i.e. the opportunity to select from content-options broadcast in data-carousel format).
The architecture to be deployed in the project will follow a development cycle organised as follows:
- Development of basic service modules.
- Integration of the e-regSAT services, i.e. Distance Learning Services, Web Conference, Infonews Channel. These services will be operated in the e-Government scenario identified in cooperation with Regione Abruzzo.
- Development and integration of MHP applications. The information services delivered through MHP applications will be focused on Tourism Info - contents produced for the project and post-production of archival material) - and SSPO Info - relay of contents available from Regione Abruzzo's web site (Weekly Web News, Real time News and other columns)
The Trial Phase was closed on 30th April 2008.
The next step of the project will be to investigate a business opportunity with Regione Abruzzo to deliver e-Government services with a deep focus on the administrative relations with citizens ( i.e. the support of any administrative services to be provided by the Government to the population ).
We believe these needs are strongly present in the Territory of Abbruzzo where Digital Divide is still a barrier.
Some of the Local Public Administration (Comuni) involved during the Project Trial have already expressed satisfaction and aim to reach an agreement in order to continue with the service.