Status date2024-06-14
The project covers a range of activities to facilitate the reuse of already-available technology and standards from the broader (terrestrial) telecommunications industry.
The project documents successful reuse of terrestrial concepts in previous SATCOM projects and deployments, such as the use of 3GPP interfaces of GMR satellite networks towards the core network. Moreover, an extensive list of terrestrial concepts that could potentially be reused in the satellite domain is provided.
Based on previous experiences and the extensive list of concepts, we have developed four use cases proposing new directions for the satellite industry to exploit present opportunities. The use cases span from specific recommendations on the heavily expanding IoT market, over mass-market, multi-service access interfaces, to content delivery networks and backhauling for terrestrial mobile TV.
The project proposes directions for increasing revenues in satellite industry through a higher level of convergence/integration with terrestrial networks. Moreover, two use cases focusses specifically on extending the business and lifetime of current TV broadcast satellite systems.
The project provides insights in new, emerging technology and standardisation in order to speed up the development of competitive future SATCOM systems. Within the scope of the project, plans will be prepared to bring four use cases (technology and/or standards) into SATCOM.
The project scope includes these 5 tasks:
Task 1: Experience with and impact of using terrestrial standards
Task 2: Inventory of promising terrestrial standards for inclusion in satellite communication systems
Task 3: Opportunities for terrestrial standards for future satellite communication systems
Task 4: Detailed investigation of the benefits of introducing terrestrial standards for each use case
Task 5: Roadmap and strategic considerations
The project team has completed all technical activities. Four use cases have been studied and recommendations are available:
1. Target the IoT via satellite (since IoT protocols are long-range, low-rate, and robust)
2. Next, target multi-service telecommunications over satellite (mass market devices)
3. Extend the lifetime of (linear) satellite broadcast with CDN concepts
4. Increase revenues in satellite and terrestrial domain by using satellite broadcast and LTE multicast for Mobile TV services.
The Final Report and Executive Summary documents will be publically available after the Final Review in April 2016.