Status date2015-10-28
To define the first mission of a telecommunication satellite based on the Geostationary Minisatellite Platform in its transfer orbit variant.
Both GapSat and Quantum payloads have high innovation content. Their integration and test with the platform require careful planning. Design of the platform must be sufficient to enable detailed costing in preparation for the negotiation phase.
Provide a detailed design definition, development plan and production plan of the GMP-T platform. Progress programme definition to a point where detailed contract negotiations with the first customer can start.
The GMP-T platform can support a payload of up to 5250 W DC power and 450 kg. Orbital manoeuvre life is 15 years in geostationary orbit. Both GapSat and Quantum payloads provide extensive flexibility in coverage, frequency plan and bandwidth.
The study is divided in two phases. The first one focuses on defining a platform and payload that comply with GapSat’s requirements. In addition, this phase explores the possibility of carrying third party equipment under the ESA ATLAS
programme. The objective of these hosted payloads is to help defray the cost of the mission to GapSat. The second phase is dedicated to a different first mission opportunity, Eutelsat Quantum. The study investigates top level programmatic aspects and
engineering planning in order to make this mission a success.
Current status