Status date2024-11-04
Activity Code1B.137
In the last few years, a large number of projects concerning constellations of satellites at (LEO) and (VLEO) have been studied showing the potential of such systems. The overall shape ratio of the satellite becomes a real design driver to optimise the mass density in the fairing during launch (stacked configuration) and to increase the cost efficiency of these systems.
High aspect ratio satellites will combine experience gained over all satellite sizes and missions with innovative technologies to provide relevant solutions to an ever-evolving Communication market.
The team task is to define and challenge the target mission’s use-cases, as well as the specification and matching concept, and finally identify the breakthrough to path the way for Europe to successfully develop this revolution within 10 years
The first phase output is an exhaustive state of the art of High Aspect Ratio Platforms listing also their challenges and successes.
Then a Value Analysis of high aspect ratio satellites allows the identification of pertinent Key performance indicators, and provides a parametric presentation of the high aspect ratio appropriateness with respect to constellation size, mission, orbits, …
The 3 use-cases selected are preliminary defined and assessed to address the SWOT of HARS.
The result of the project is a proposition of roadmap on technologies and products to path the way for Europe to successfully enhance this Communication platform form factor revolution within 10 years.
The outcomes of the study are available. The roadmap on technologies and products to path the way for Europe HARS is been shared with ESA.