Status date2006-05-02
The Objective of the Project is the development of a Study on the current status and the expected evolution of High Definition Television deployments via Satellite in the world, with the aim of identifying which are going to be the potential business development of such new technology applications in Europe and Canada.
On the basis of the identified Service Value Chain, the Study shall identify the potential HDTV market evolution in Europe and in the world, and the expected evolution of the technology. On top of that, the study shall analyse as well potential alternative markets, which could help HDTV deployments.
Finally, the Study shall define a series of recommendations and a possible roadmap that ESA could follow to support European and Canadian Industries in the introduction of HDTV services via Satellite. A series of recommendations and a possible roadmap that ESA could follow to support the development of HDTV services in Europe and Canada.
The Project will analyse the opportunities of HDTV satellite broadcasting in Europe by keeping into considerations the potential evolution of all technological innovations recently announced, and by modelling and analysing the market environment on which new HDTV services should be deployed.
The study will give a clear understanding of the current situation and potential business opportunities for HDTV applications in Europe and Canada.
This will provide ESA and member states' decision-makers with prospective scenarios for HDTV services deployment.
Not Applicable.
The study is driven around 6 major tasks:
- Task 1 - HDTV Market Assessment (June 2004)
- Task 2 - HDTV Current Technologies and Standards (June 2004)
- Task 3 - HDTV Market Evolution (September 2004)
- Task 4 - HDTV Future Technologies and Standards (September 2004)
- Task 5 - Alternative HDTV Applications (September 2004)
- Task 6 - Recommendations to ESA (October 2004)
In the first phase, tasks 1 and 2 will be run in parallel, with the aim of analysing the current situation of markets, technologies and standards. It will also cover the definition of the end-to-end HDTV Service Value Chain by identifying its major components and key players' role.
In a second phase, tasks 3, 4 and 5 shall be run with the scope of identifying the expected evolution of the market, the expected evolution of technologies and standards (driven both by markets and industry) and alternative HDTV applications. It will conduct to the definition of the potential scenarios for HDTV services take-up in Europe and Canada.
As a conclusion, the last phase of the study (Task 6) will be run with the aim of identifying a set of recommendations and a possible roadmap for supporting European and Canadian Industries in the introduction of HDTV services via Satellite.
The project has been finished and the results are published in this website.