Status date2014-03-12
The HYDRA TELECOM product is a variant of the already developed and qualified HYDRA baseline product, optimized to address the GEO telecommunication platforms market.
In the frame of the previous CNES contract, the work packages were distributed in 3 phases:
- Phase 1 : HYDRA TELECOM Preliminary Specifications, which has been concluded by a Specification Review
- Phase 2 : HYDRA TELECOM Preliminary Design, which has been concluded by a Baseline Design Review
- Phase 3 : HYDRA TELECOM Detailed Design, which will be concluded by the Critical Design Review
- Phase 4 : Complementary studies and manufacturing of the EQM HYDRA TELECOM
- Phase 5 : Qualification of EQM HYDRA TELECOM
The huge success of this new HYDRA product architecture in many LEO and even some GEO application is something that can be extended to telecom market assuming the cost is competitive with existing products. Cost optimizations of the product are indeed rather straight forward taking into account some generic requirements for telecom application such as number of optical heads and redundancy.
This modular approach was very convenient to adapt to the various requirements of the LEO and some GEO Earth observation mission, but it is not particularly optimized and competitive for the very specific GEO telecommunication market.
Qualification Review : March 2013
Hydra Telecom is a qualified product, for which flight models have already been delivered to the first customer.