Status date2023-12-19
Activity Code5C.281
The objective of these projected 24 months activities is to industrialize, manufacture and qualify the compact, lightweight, low-cost and Low Noise Master Oscillators (LNMO), which has been developed in the frame of an ARTES 5.1 project, contract N°4200023116, by testing 16 Engineering Qualification Models (EQM) at 5MHz, 10MHz, 20MHz and 40MHz. To cover the whole frequency range only one crystal holder has been used (HC37), instead of 3 initially planned (HC40, HC37 and HC35).
These equipments shall be free of ITAR license control for use in worldwide space programs.
The key issues addressed in LNMO project are:
Reach phase noise requirements from 1Hz to 100kHz over the whole frequency range (5MHz to 40MHz)
Find solutions using ITAR free parts.
Validate several crystal suppliers with at least one European.
Cost reduction to gain market share
The expected benefits brought by LNMO project are:
An available qualified European ITAR free solution
An improvement of phase noise behavior, better than current competitors’ solutions (see target in dBc/Hz):
Consumption, size and weight reduction
A design 100% compliant to the identified customers requirements; none from the identified competitors is compliant at 100%.
Key Features
Very small mass and volume
Low noise
Low temperature sensitivity
Fast warm-up
Wide operating temperature
Pre-adjusted frequency and/or voltage controlled.
Frequency Range: 5MHz to 40MHz
Supply voltage:12V or 15V
Low g sensitivity
GPS Receiver
LNMO current design
Size: 50x50x30mm
Weight: 100 - 110 grams (depends on pin configuration)
In the gray area of the block diagram are all the thermal sensitive functions which shall be implanted on the heated board.
Thermo-mechanical structure
The oven will be done by:
a small oven used to heat and fix the crystal resonator
a ground plane used to heat the PCB and the sensitive parts
machining a few slots on the PCB for thermal insulation
The plan is divided in two phases:
Phase 1: Requirements review and design
Task 1: Requirements, Technology and Design Modifications Review. Validation of LLI parts list.
Task 2: Detailed LNMO current design improvement:
5 MHz and 20MHz (SC overtone 3), 40MHz (SC overtone 5) crystals specifications in HC37 holder
Adding option of a second supply voltage.
Vs for signal generation supply
Vp for oven supply
Task 3: BBM manufacturing at 20MHz and 40MHz
Task 4: LLI purchasing and Crystals pre-irradiation
Task 5: Update MATV plan including crystal pre-irradiation process
Task 6: Establishment of the preliminary qualification test plan
Phase 2: Qualification
Phase 2 A: EQM Manufacture, Assembly, Tuning
Task 7: EQM manufacturing
Task 8: Finalization and validation of qualification test plan and test procedures
Phase 2 B: Qualification tests
Task 9: Environmental tests (vibration, thermal and mechanical shocks)
Task 10: Irradiation tests
Task 11: Thermal vacuum cycle
Task 12: EMC tests
Task 13: life test
Task 14: Overall Assessment and Recommendations
Project completed.