Low-shock Release Actuator

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The Low-shock Release Actuator provides a preload capability of 35 kN, low generated shock, compliance to ECSS, excellent reliability, and a very competitive recurring price. The electrical interface is compatible with existing firing electronics.

A comprehensive qualification test campaign was successfully completed, achieving TRL 7.


A competitive product in terms of technical performance, reliability, and recurring price is developed and qualified. Meeting technical as well as commercial goals, and performing a comprehensive qualifiation test campaign including several hardware models is challenging. The activity was completed within schedule. Technical goals as well as the recurring price target were achieved. The prodcut was successfully qualified.


The product provides low generated shock, excellent reliability, and is qualified to high environmental loads. It is compliant to ECSS, and offers a very competitive recurring price.

System Architecture

An initiator and a secondary actuator are used in the design.


A typical ESA development logic was followed, including major reviews, several generations of hardware models and testing in representative environment. A comprehensive qualification test campaign was successfully completed, including several hardware models.

Current status

Successfully completed, TRL 7 achieved, production line and product qualified.

Prime Contractor