Status date2014-09-24
- Improve the characterisation of the radio channel modelling and ground system requirements for the development of a Ka band SatCom systems covering tropical regions.
- Assess the accuracy of current prediction models with particular regard to statistical distribution of rain and cloud attenuation.
- New models and input data shall be used as input documents to radio regulatory bodies (e.g. ITU-R).
To fill the need of real propagation figures and ITU standards for the design of broadband satellite communication systems for market regions with tropical climates (Brazil, Africa, India, Indonesia and Oceania).
The outcome of the activity will be an assessment of the accuracy of current prediction models (in particular for rain and cloud attenuation) and statistics of system design parameters like: fade slope, fade duration and site and time diversity gain. The experimental results shall be submitted to radio regulatory bodies (e.g. ITU-R) for standardisation of models.
Main station plus remote beacon receiver site diversity station.
Instrumentation development, manufacturing and testing. Site preparation and on site tests.