Status date2014-12-15
The aim of the medium & high power EPC program is to answer to high power SSPA needs in terms of power supply covering a wide range of output voltages (typically from 8 to 60V on main rail) with two possible primary buses at 50V and 100V.
The challenge was to have a single product developed, with different options depending on input/output characteristics using the same technologies, the same electrical architecture, the same electronic design modules, a common definition and justification file, the same PCB, and a maximum of common EEE parts.
The expected benefits are to answer the expectations of innovative equipment to be used in the near future for telecommunication applications with a market target cost product.
The features of the product are :
- Input Bus voltage should be compatible with both 50V and 100V regulated
- Output power should be up to a140W for medium power and 250W for high power
- Efficiency > 90%
- Output ripple on main rail < 5mV rms
- Sequencing requirements have to be met between auxiliary rails and main rail
- Mass lower than 570 g
- Interface temperature > 70°C at EPC feet
The two modules uses the same architecture described in the following block diagram:

The development plan was based on 4 work packages :
- Generic design specification, covering both GaAs SSPA and GaN SSPA’s
- Preliminary design with 2 EM manufacturing : 1 EPC for GaAs SSPA, 1 EPC for GaN SSPA.
- Technological qualification
- Final design and 1 EPC EQM manufacturing for GaN SSPA with Qualification
Current status
The project takes benefit from the experience already acquired by Airbus D&S through development of DC/DC for Inmarsat I-XL payload and of EPC for SSPA (Solid State Power Amplifier) for the export market (20W RF power).
The two EM EPC have been characterized: one medium power and one high power. Both embed new parts for which qualifications have been made.
An EPC HP EQM has passed a qualification campaign.