Status date2014-12-15
The PCDU modules, subject of this project, are dedicated to small Telecom GEO platform addressing the range of 2 to 5 kW.
The objective is to develop and qualify some specific modules, building blocks allowing to propose for such market a competitive "Power Conditioning and Distribution Unit" (PCDU) which is the heart of the electrical power system of any Telecom satellite.
For that purpose the following modules are manufactured and tested
- One EM of the SUN module allowing to debug main critical hardware functions (redunded S3R cell),
- One HDRM EM allowing to realize ESD tests
- One PFM of the SUN module,
- One PFM of the DISTRIBITION module
- One PFM of the PYRO module,
- One PFM of the TM/TC module
Note that BCDR modules interfacing battery and bus have been developed in the frame of previous SATCOM development and therefore the development of BCDR module is not part of this project
In association with these modules an ATE (Automatic Test Equipment) is also manufactured in the frame of the project.
To illustrate the PCDU concept based on generic modules development, the modules are used in the PCDU of the EDRS (European Data Relay Satellite) Artes program of ESA for which the selected platform is the OHB one.
The challenge is to develop generic modules that could be used in PCDU of the target market small Telecom platform addressing the range of 2 to 5 kW with reduced customization.
The modules must be competitive in terms of cost and mass and must be based on mature and low risks technology / solutions
The main benefit brought by the project is the increased competitiveness in terms of development costs and time to market.
The goal of the generic modules is to be integrated to various PCDU applications based on the following common requirements.
- Full regulated bus at 50V.
- Battery voltage below bus voltage.
- Reliable S3R concept for solar array interface with a maximum SA current of 7.5A per section.
- Internal and reliable battery charge management (current charge limitation followed by tapering phase).
- Redundant 1553 interfaces.
- Active or inert launch configuration.
The global Project plan is as follows:
- Design, manufacture and test EM modules for the modules with reduced heritage with respect to the required function (SUN, HDRM)
- Design, manufacture and test (performance test) each type of PFM module (SUN, DISTRIBUTION, PYRO and TM/TC) of the PCDU.
- Qualify the modules in the frame of the validation of the PCDU of an existing project (EDRS)
- Realize the ATE (Automatic Test Equipment) development activities in parallel with the PCDU activities in order to have the ATE available at the start of the test
The development of the modules is completed. The qualification of the modules in the frame of the validation of the EDRS PCDU is successful and the PCDU is delivered to OHB.