Status date2011-11-04
Project objectives include:
- Two types of terminal IDUs:
- High-volume, low cost for consumer & SME market (SatLink 2000),
- High-performance, high-capacity for industrial, telecom, government, military, and mobile VSAT markets (SatLink 2900),
- Both are evolutions of prior SatLink terminal IDUs (SatLink 1000 and 1910) with more powerful CPUs and FPGAs.
- Common 1U hardware module (SatLink 8560) for both Return Link System (RLS) and Forward Link System (FLS), where the function is determined by firmware/software load and fully integrated with IP packet processing.
- Both are more powerful evolutions of prior SatLink 8550 RLS and FLS.
SatLink2000 IDU
SatLink2900 IDU
SatLink8560 RLS & FLS
- Obtaining low manufacturing cost for SatLink 2000,
- Obtaining effective multi-channel burst reception with ACM per timeslot,
- Maintaining high IP throughputs on all modules,
- Time-to-market.
Increased rate of adoption and competitiveness for DVB-RCS2, generally, and for SatLink products, specifically, especially for Ka band networks, where these higher Return Link MODCODs are feasible and ACM on Return Links offers significant gains.
SatLink 2000
- IP throughput (Rx+Tx): 30 Mbps,
- DVB-S2 Rx: up to 45 Msps, 16APSK 9/10,
- DVB-RCS & RCS2 Tx: up to 5 Msps,
- QoS, ODU Power Control & Monitoring, Low power consumption.
SatLink 2900
- IP throughput (Rx+Tx): 40 Mbps,
- DVB-S2 Rx: up to 45 Msps, 16APSK 9/10,
- DVB-RCS & RCS2 Tx: up to 8 Msps,
- Built-in wideband (36 MHz) multi-channel burst receiver for mesh support,
- QoS, ODU Power Control & Monitoring, Low power consumption.
SatLink 8560 FLS (DVB-S2)
- 100 Mbps of IP packet throughput with ACM 45 Msps from QPSK ¼ to 16APSK 9/10,
SatLink 8560 RLS
- 50 Mbps of IP packet throughput,
- Dual, wideband (36 MHz) multi-channel burst receivers for reception of many concurrent bursts with diverse MODCODs and symbol rates and ACM per timeslot,
- Supports both DVB-RCS and DVB-RCS2.
The following main activities are planned:
- Hardware development of new VSAT models SatLink 2000 and SatLink 2900,
- Hardware development of new SatLink 8560 FLS & RLS for Hubs,
- Industrialization of the new hardware including development of production test, CE marking, and pilot production.
Current status
The project has been successfully completed.