Status date2009-10-29
In commercial programs, short delivery schedule is mandatory. This is normally in contradiction to the need for application specific requirements that need special solutions for each case. For most programs Norspace has experienced that development of hybrids normally will be on the critical line and define the minimum delivery time.
The key objective in the program has been to prepare lower level generic design blocks that meet the requirements for the next opportunity. Through the program, Norspace wanted to strengthen the position as a recognised supplier within analogue electronic equipment for space applications.
For the NGAP EQM unit, the aim has been to develop a generic and flexible frequency conversion unit that easily can be adapted to different programs within mobile and multimedia applications, as well as other applications in need of frequency generation modules.
For the development of the converter hybrids, a main target has been to develop a set of lower level building blocks, enabling Norspace to offer shorter lead time and risk reduction for the next commercial mobile, multimedia application or navigation equipment.
In addition to the successfully qualified EQM unit and the demonstrated excellent performance of the different converter hybrids, the results from this program have indeed demonstrated the efficiency of the generic building blocks.
The developed HW, all intermediate results and analysis show that the R&D objectives in this program have been fulfilled. With the generic lower level elements demonstrated, the schedule, risk and non recurring efforts in commercial programs are reduced. This has already proven to be a competitive advantage for Norspace.
In the program, an EQM Baseband to C-band converter assembly has been demonstrated, as well as four different EQM converter hybrids.
Unit EQM
- One BB/C Converter Unit, including DCDC converter, LO source and Cavity filter.
EQM Hybrids:
- One EQM L/BB Frequency Converter Hybrid, STH-2370,
- One EQM BB/L Frequency Converter Hybrid, STH-2380,
- One EQM C/IF Frequency Converter Hybrid, STH-2790,
- One EQM IF/C Frequency Converter Hybrid, STH2800.
Through the program, there has been a strong focus on the generic elements of this development. For the NGAP EQM unit, the aim has been to develop a generic and flexible frequency conversion unit that easily can be adapted to different programs within mobile and multimedia applications, as well as other applications in need of frequency generation modules. For the development of the converter hybrids, a main target has been to develop a set of lower level building blocks, enabling Norspace to offer shorter lead time and risk reduction for the next commercial telecom or multimedia application.
The program is now completed and the following project plan was used.
Phase 1: System Studies & Trade Off Analysis The first phase leading up to BDR consisted of the following tasks.
- System optimisation and Building Block Specification,
- Technology Evaluation,
- Test Definition.
Phase 2: Equipment Design and Development / Test Development The second phase ended at MTR and included:
- Equipment overall design,
- Detailed design of EQM,
- Qualification of parts, materials and processes,
- Procurement,
- Test Development.
Phase 3: EQM Assembly Integration and Test The last phase ended at FR and included:
For the NGAP EQM:
- Equipment EQM Assembly and integration,
- Equipment Test and reports.
For the EQM converter hybrids:
- Hybrid assembly tuning and encapsulation,
- Hybrid screening, test and reports.
The program has been successfully completed.