Status date2011-11-16
The project aims to study adaptive Fade Mitigation Techniques for future broadband satellite systems, in order to more efficiently compensate for fading and interference, and achieve a higher efficiency with respect to actual systems. This analysis will be performed in the frame of DVB-RCS multi-beam systems operating in Ka-band.
- To review, analyse, select and optimise FMT for broadband DVB-RCS multi-beam systems,
- To analyse adaptability and propose enhancement of the current standard (mainly DVB-RCS standard, but also DVB-S or DVB-S2 standard) in order to support selected FMT techniques.
- To evaluate the performances of such techniques in order to qualify and quantify their interest to improve broadband DVB-RCS satellite services.
The following key issues will be addressed in the project:
- Adaptation and optimisation of FMT techniques for DVB-RCS multi-beam systems
- Definition of resource allocation algorithm adapted to selected FMT
- Definition of MAC protocols adapted to selected FMT
- Definition of signalling adapted to selected FMT
- Definition of framing adapted to selected FMT
- Modelling propagation attenuation at Ka-band
- Simulation of DVB-RCS systems implementing adaptive FMT
- Definition of standard evolution to support FMT
- FMT system cost assessment
The main benefit of the project will be the definition of efficient FMT techniques that will be supported by the DVB-RCS standard, in order to increase significantly the performances of broadband multi-beam satellite systems. Such performance improvement will ensure that the multimedia satellite systems will still be competitive with respect to terrestrial solution.
The overall mission scenario is to provide broadband multimedia services by satellite. Two different system architectures referring to two different mission scenarios will be considered during the project:
- High-speed Internet access to the end-user provided by a transparent satellite
- Mesh mission supporting interconnection of Virtual Private Network provided by a regenerative satellite system.
The work is broken down into four tasks consisting of:
- Definition of performance requirements
- Assessment of benchmark DVB-RCS systems
- Propagation characterisation in Ka band
- FMT high level analysis and trade-off
Task 3: Definition of resource allocation algorithm
- Definition of MAC protocols and signalling
- Definition of the framing
- Simulation campaign, optimisation and trade-offs
- Definition of contributions for standard evolution
- High-level FMT system cost assessment
Task 4 is nearly completed: Space Engineering performs the last simulations for the different return link scenarios.