Receiver4TC Receiver for Telecom Constellations

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The objectives of the Technology phase are:

  1. The development of an advanced GNSS receiver prototype that can autonomously compute in real-time a precise orbit determination (POD) solution with <10 cm 3D rms accuracy. This development requires hardware and software adaptations to SpacePNT’s proprietary NaviLEO/NaviMoon GNSS receiver platform.

  2. To fly an advanced technological prototype in an early independent low earth orbit experimentation mission as a risk mitigation, to demonstrate that the implemented radiation effects mitigation strategies can cope effectively with the harsh LEO radiation environment.

The objective of the Product phase is to “re-model” the same technology to lower its production, assembly and qualification costs (with respect to the legacy platform that was conceived to cater for small production volumes). This phase is a key enabler to foster product adoption in large telecom LEO constellations, where SWaP-C (Size, Weight, and Power - Cost) constraints are paramount.


The main two challenges to be overcome are: 

  • During the technology phase, important software optimizations are required to implement SpacePNT’s proprietary Precise Orbit Determination engine to run in real-time onboard the GNSS receiver processor.

  • During the product phase, the mechanical and electrical design of the GNSS receiver is adapted to allow a lower SWaP-C and better and cheaper manufacturability while keeping or even improving its environmental qualification levels.


The main benefit of the product is its ability to provide totally autonomously (i.e., without the need of any ground support) and in real-time a cm-level positioning and timing accuracy to the satellite payloads.


Highly customizable to use the orbit and clock corrections transmitted from MEO (Galileo HAS) or GEO (Fugro SpaceStar) to compute a real-time and onboard POD solution.

System Architecture

The overall system architecture from SpacePNT’s legacy NaviLEO/NaviMoon platform (that is based around reprogrammable components) is preserved but adapted and optimized to allow reception of a third frequency (for receiving the L-band or E6-band orbit and clock corrections transmitted by GEO or MEO satellites).


The technology phase includes Kick Off (KO), Requirements Review (RR), Preliminary Design Review (PDR), Equipment Qualification Status Review (EQSR), Acceptance Review (AR), and Commissioning Results Review (CRR).

The product phase includes Manufacturing Readiness Review (MRR), Test Readiness Review (TRR), Test Review Board (TRB), and Final Review (FR).

Current status

Technology phase CRR held on 2023.10.12

Product phase MRR held on 2023.12.07

Prime Contractor