Status date2015-01-12
This contract has been put in place in the context of agency support to the industrialization of REGYS20 product mounted on Thales Alenia Space Spacebus platforms and ESA’s Alphabus platform.
Within the framework of the Artes 4 contract, activities consisted on enhancement of the GYRO electronics capabilities to answer a larger market by developing and qualifying additional functions to extend the usability of REGYS20 to other platforms and missions.
In the context of the contract change notice, further product improvements have been achieved through optimization of AIT activities including the validation of additional two axes tables, the enhancement of the EEPROM management process, robustness improvement of the calibration operations, and the automation of test sequences.
- ITAR FREE solution
- Multi platform compatibilities
- Based on HRG sensor on going industrial production (periniality and robustness of the industrial tool).
In the context of this contract REGYS20 is now qualified for Alphabus and Spacebus 4000 platforms in 100V and 50V primary bus configuration with possible extension for 28V. Extra interfaces for data handling have also been qualified to answer to telecom and non-telecom needs (e.g. Earth Observation, Science, etc.).
Further product improvements have been achieved through optimization of AIT activities at Sagem level.
The REGYS20 functions consist on :
- 3-axes HRG core, equipped with the three related proximity boards (PB) mounted on each resonator ;
- One analogue and one command board (ANB and CMB respectively), which integrate the electronics dedicated to the three resonators control loop, along with the management of REGYS20 operations through interface with the ADCS sub-system (redundant MIL-STD-1553 onboard data bus) and on-ground facilities (non-redundant RS-422 Stimuli and configuration interface) ;
- Internal power supplies with the Satellite Primary Power Bus (100/50/28 VDC) and related TC (ON / OFF) and TM (status) interfaces.
The development of Artes 4 project was based on the Alphabus program. Moreover, SAGEM along with SYDERAL has implemented extra-functionalities inside the ASIC in order to be ready to propose to other primes a compatible Gyro for their own platforms. A specific EQM called EQM2 has been manufactured, validated and delta qualified for that purpose in August of 2010.
In 2014, further product improvements have been achieved through optimization of AIT activities at Sagem level.