SAT-AIS Private Public Partnership (PPP) Scheme - Telespazio

  • Status
  • Status date

The main objective of the SAT-AIS PPP project is to identify and define the modalities of the potential PPP pursuable for the SAT-AIS implementation, including the identification of the sharing between public and private contribution, in order to support ESA in the preparation of the associated programmatic framework.

In support of the PPP schemes, an overall business case will be assessed addressing topics particularly relevant to drive the future implementation of the system:

  • Satellite system operation in the current and future environment (interfaces, interoperability, and transition),
  • Roles and responsibilities of the various entities involved in the provision of the end-to-end communication services, taking into account the regulatory framework,
  • Activities for system deployment until full operational capability, including validation,
  • Costs and benefits from the perspective of the involved parties,
  • Financing options for deployment.

In this respect different PPP schemes could be envisaged establishing a partnership between public and private sector entities, contributing to the different phases of the system deployment and/or service provision, with the goal of defining modalities and financial contribution sharing between public and private, and consequently among the private actors involved (and investing) in the value chain.


A key issue for the project goal fulfilment is the implementation of an attractive system/service provision designed to fulfil end user requirements and taking into account both technical considerations (e.g coverage, capacity, service interoperability) and economic viability.

In order to make the overall business feasible the system and related service should guarantee:

  • A satisfactory profitability for the private shareholders,
  • The financial feasibility of the whole project, especially in a PPP approach with investments of the private sector.

With this this aim, one possible upside is the development of a system able to provide a wide range of services (starting from the AIS raw data up to the added value services provision) increasing the market value and improving the return of the whole investments.


A SAT-AIS European System, providing worldwide AIS data complementing the European terrestrial AIS deployments as well as the capabilities of existing maritime surveillance tools and services, can bring benefits to many European entities/end users (civil and institutional) particularly in assisting them in the maritime safety, security and monitoring issues (e.g law enforcement, counter piracy, maritime border control operations, Search and Rescue, fleet management) for which, fusing and correlation of Earth Observation sensors with SAT-AIS could be the basis for a more advanced surveillance applications.

All consortium participants are strongly interested in strengthening their position in the maritime market. Telespazio already provides on a commercial basis, telecommunication services (cruise, oil etc.). Luxspace develops and implements satellites and payloads for global vessel identification and tracking and e-GEOS processes satellite images to obtain ship detection analysis for intelligence, home security, illegal traffic, fleet management sectors.

The participation of the project team (defined and optimised to guarantee the direct involvement of all the actors in the value chain) in the study will:

  • Help to ensure the achievement of both satellite Operators/Service Provider and end-users requirements,
  • Give the chance to unify competences in order to extend and optimise the services offered in the maritime market.

In particular, the direct involvement of all the actors in the value chain is considered essential to grantee the accomplishment of technical and economical constrains.

Simultaneous and collaborative presence of satellite owner and service provider/operator is a benefit to exploit in order to propose a PPP scheme with a sharing of costs and responsibilities between the actors involved in the project and in the potential future service provision.


The project will be implemented through three major steps:

  • Step 1: Technical Notes Consolidation
    The first step will start with the revision and consolidation of the technical notes identified during the proposal phase:
    • targeted PPP scheme(s),
    • critical analysis of users requirements,
    • targeted services & service provision model.

  • Step 2: Initial Economics Analysis
    during this step all activities leading to the analysis of the project economics will be carried out.

    The step 2 will start with the revision and consolidation of the Potential revenue analysis provided as part of the proposal. This activity shall be carried out according to the outcomes of the 1st step deliverables consolidation.

    Contextually the Preliminary Business Model and Business Case analysis will start, taking into account as input the outcomes of the 1st step deliverables consolidation as well as the result of the Potential revenue analysis.

    At the same time, starting for the input received from the Phase B1 design study, the SAT-AIS architecture and implementation analysis will be carried out. Initial recommendations will be provided to the Phase B1 studies.

  • Step 3: Economical Analysis refinement
    The step 3 will start with the revision and consolidation of the whole outcomes of the previous steps to be carried out according to:
    • Final Input from the Phase B1 activities,
    • ESA independent cost estimates for the different scenarios.

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The Project Milestones are the following:

KOM (Kick-Off Meeting) T0
PM 1 - First Progress meeting T0+1 month
BMR – Business Model Review T0+2 months
IR – Intermediary Review T0+3 months
FR - Final Review T0+6 months
Current status

The study team performed the final presentation on the 26th July, 2012.