Status date2009-09-23
The objective is to carry out monitoring of the evolution of the telecom, ICT and media markets over a period of 24 months to spot market opportunities and threats, understand the changes in demand and extract the strategic evolutions relevant for the satellite telecommunication market.
The European satellite communication industry has undergone major changes in the last few years in terms of the markets, industry structure and the competitive environment in which it operates. It is important for ESA to understand these changes and the impact on the European and Canadian players in order to enable it to create future programmes which will enhance the competitiveness of the European and Canadian industry.
The primary benefit is expected to be a better understanding of the evolution of the satellite communication markets and industry and what is influencing this. By monitoring the evolution over a relatively long period it is expected this will give better insight into the way it is evolving than a single snapshot.
During the first six month period the following will be carried out:
- Investigation of the current situation of the satcom market worldwide,
- Investigation of the evolution of the satellite communication industry over the last few years and its consequences,
- Competitive analysis of the situation of satellite communication with respect to terrestrial communication and the European and Canadian industry with respect to the rest of the world,
- Investigation of the economic and social return for Europe and Canada,
- Production of evolution scenarios for the satellite communication market.
There will then be updates of this work at intervals of six months for a period of eighteen months.
Work started at the beginning of February 2008. Work is currently underway on examining the applications which drive the user demand for satellite communication services.