Status date2022-02-24
Activity Code1D.022
The objective of SATNEX V is to study medium/long term directions of Space and Satellite Telecommunication Systems for any of the Commercial or Institutional applications that can be considered appealing to key players in the space technologies domain but that are still not mature enough for attracting industry or initiating dedicated ESA R&D activities.
The project has to accommodate the high dynamic satellite communications research ecosystem to smoothly fund high-risk and high-impact initial studies. This involves having a very efficient contracting procedure with a short time-to-react fashion. Another key challenge is to gather all research groups experts in field of satellite communications.
High-value feasibility analysis of new ideas spin into the satellite communications area. Coordination and consolidation of a network of experts.
High impact research activities in the field of satellite communications.
Every year a set of short studies are funded based on the ideas gathered by the network of experts and the agency interests.
Project has successfully finalized the first year activities and it is starting the execution of year two activities.