Status date2014-01-07
After an earlier study, this work aimed at developing the transceivers up to EM (Engineering Model) maturity level. Two sub-contractors developed their versions with different technologies and a full environmental test campaign was performed.
Main challenges are related to production processes: manufacturing of a hermetic package with a reliable optical fibre feed through and making efficient and reliable connections between opto-electronic components (VCSEL & photodiode) and the optical fibre. Also, selection of the fibre cable and connector are found to be important wrt. reliability of the device.
SpaceFibre transceiver modules will enable full utilisation of the SpaceFibre interfaces specified in the SpaceWire standard providing a high speed, light weight and EMC free interface for transmitting and receiving data between electronic equipment placed at different locations of the space-craft.
Radiation tolerance has been verified both at component level and with complete transceiver modules.
Specific tasks performed in this project are the following:
- Review of requirements and architectural trade-offs
- Detailed design, manufacture and testing of fibre-optic transceivers
- Documentation of manufacturing processes
Completed at October, 2013.