Status date2024-09-30
Activity Code1A-109
This project aims to identify established technologies, methodologies and solutions that can be transferred into the Satcom sector from industries outside the space ecosystem. This includes defining the relevant use cases, applications and business opportunities that could be enabled, as well as quantifying commercial viability, potential benefits, and value to relevant satcom market sectors.
In addition, this project details an economic model with ROM estimates of the costs of the development necessary to integrate the technology into the satcom sector. It also establishes a roadmap to address issues and key developments, highlighting timelines, critical developments, enabling technologies, and regulatory and standardisation issues that may impact on the successful migration and integration.
Another key output of this study is to identify follow on opportunities for investigation and development.
One of the key challenges in making this project successful is down selecting a single technology to take forward for detailed research and analysis. Due to the nature of our approach, a large volume of concepts, ideas and knowledge are captured in the early stages, thus making selection criteria and weighting of high importance to ensure that the highest potential opportunities are assessed with the aims of the project in mind.
The benefits that can be harnessed from this project include a selection of high potential opportunities, technologies, or methodologies that are commercially beneficial to the Satcoms industry. These may develop a wide range of solutions, creating many avenues for further exploration in addition to the primary technology selection.
Alongside this, the criteria and selection process developed through the course of this project can be applied to other scenarios and tasks, creating an additional asset as an outcome of this work.
Development of a replicable and measurable methodology to identify and analyse important technologies, materials or processes from across the industrial and commercial landscape that can be applied to the satcoms sector.
The approach captures the future needs of the satcom industry through detailed interviews and research with subject matter experts, identifies technology gaps and explores solutions that have been applied successfully in non-space industries such as health, automotive or consumer goods.
The methodology uses a matrix to assess each proposed technology against a suite of criteria that enables the technologies to be compared and weighted leading to a clear hierarchy of solutions.
The plan for the completion of this work is comprised in 3 parts:
Market Research, Candidate Spin-In Tech Overview, and Insights (8 Weeks)
Identifying Use Cases & Benefits to the Satcom Sector (8 Weeks)
Defining the Spin-In Strategy (8 Weeks)
Each of these activities outputs a develop a technical note detailing the research undertaken and key outcomes. These technical notes directly feed into the Executive Summary and Final Report as they are driven by the findings of each task.
The project has identified Solid State Batteries as the key focus for this study following the down-selection process. Following on from this, a deep dive into the current potential use cases and developments of Solid State Batteries has been conducted which has informed the spin-in strategy that has been created. Specific technical notes have been created detailing the full findings of the study in addition to ancillary reports which have been designed to convey the key points of the stdy to a variety of audiences.