Status date2013-02-18
The SpacebusTM telecommunication satellite concept is based on two main modules:
- Service Module: SM structured around a central tube and which includes equipments for the main following functions: propulsion, avionics and power,
- Communication Module: CM includes the main following functions: repeater, antennas, and TTC-RF.
The objective is to increase competitiveness by the standardization of East / West satellite sides including accommodation standardization of C and Ku-Band antennas meeting stringent customer needs.
This project will result in a significant breakthrough in the process to customize the CM to every satellite operator needs and allow to demonstrate a stronger flight heritage from mission to mission.
No severe risk is identified: special care will be taken with respect to the risk of mechanical coupling between the satellite and some of the reflectors technology/configurations and in the AIT integration and alignment process.
Risks are also schedule related, due to the amount of work that needs to be achieved before implementing this breakthrough on the 1st commercial application.
Maximizing the Communication Module standardization will improve the competitiveness of the telecom satellite platform and time to market:
- Recurring use of the definition and justification files and associated budgets,
- Reuse of manufacturing files, AIT procedures,
- Improvement of the AIT schedule, reduction of industrial cycle, reduced learning curve,
- Permit anticipation orders, reducing risk and non-recurring cost from hardware evolution.
This project will define a standard definition for the design of the East / West sides of the Communication Module including generic design of the structural panels, antennae mechanisms (ADPM, HRM), feeds and reflectors.
The resulting definition will derive an industrial file (definition, justifications, manufacturing, etc.) which will limit non recurring activities for commercial programs.
A previous study has resulted in the identification of the generic items and perimeter of standardization to be covered by this project.
This project is conducted in 3 steps, for each identified item:
Step 1 : preliminary design and feasibility phase
Step 2 : design analysis and justification phase
Step 3 : implementation and validation on first application program
The project PDR is planned for February 2013.