Ultra-High Throughput Transmission Through Wideband Ka Transponder

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Improved and newly devised techniques for single carrier operation mode are employed based on the DVB-S2X standard. The objective is to demonstrate clear performance and efficiency advantages compared to operation with multiple carriers per transponder.

Existing tools for calculating exact link budgets shall be enhanced to allow performance and throughput prediction based on measurements under controlled conditions.

The performance target is to achieve a throughput of more than 1 Gbit/s at IP level. Therefore all components deployed within this activity will be enhanced to practically handle such throughput.

In order to realize ultra-high throughput transmission over a satellite wideband transponder newly devised adaptive coding and modulation (ACM) techniques have to be applied. This implies the implementation of feedback loops between demodulator and modulator / encapsulator.

  • High data rate handling and processing – device internally as well as at interfaces
  • Feasibility in hardware and assessment of suitable hardware
  • Over-the-air testing and verification of transmission system concepts
  • Demonstration of feasibility of cutting edge data throughput
  • Performance results under real channel conditions
  • Enhanced feedback-loop protocol for throughput optimisation and adaptation
  • Prototyping of wideband capable and DVB-S2X compatible equipment for future commercial use
  • Demonstration of clear performance and efficiency advantages of wideband single carrier transmission which can be turned into economical gains for an operator
  • Formulation of means to overcome the obstacles of the migration from a multi carrier system towards a wideband single carrier system
  • Demonstration of ultra-high end-to-end net throughput of up to 1 Gbit/s per link
  • Enhanced bandwidth efficiency by small roll-off factors
  • Wideband transmission according to super-frame format 4 of the DVB-S2X Annex E specification
  • High-order DVB-S2X MODCODs implemented in modulator and FEC decoder for higher spectral efficiency
  • Flexible RF interface (in L-Band)
  • High C/I capable demodulator
  • Feedback loops for optimised transmission link adjustment between transmitter and receiver 

Phase 1 (09/2014 – 04/2015):

Identification of suitable ground and space segment components, state-of-the-art air interfaces or standards suitable to achieve the 1Gbit/s throughput target

Phase 2 (04/2015 – 12/2016):

Implementation of a laboratory test-bed suitable to support more than 1 Gbit/s

Phase 3 (01/2017 – 03/2017):

Verification of performance via on-field-trials through a Ka-Band transponder of Avanti’s HYLAS-2 satellite

Current status

Project is successfully completed