Status date2015-11-13
The objective is to develop a new travelling wave tube with the output power of 500W. The output power is doubled compared to today’s products. Key issues are
1) higher dissipation power, but still below 4W/cm2 which is enables the usage of today’s state of the art heat pipes.
2) enough margin for multipaction in the output section.
Another objective is to keep as much heritage from today’s travelling wave tubes respecting the specified typical space requirements based on twice of the rf power of today.
- Achieve the output power
- handling the dissipation power
- achieve a good margin for multipaction in the rf output
- achieve a good thermal contact
- keeping the standard requirements (electrical, mechanical and thermal)
- doubled output power
- mass savings of 800g compared to two former TWTs
- more than 100kg mass savings on payload side due to reduced number of linearizer, CAMPs, .. and weight for cables, etc.
- S-Band tube
- Output power 500W
- Mass 2200 g
- Waveguide output
- High multipaction margin