Registration gives you access to your user profile, certain documents and specific applications that are otherwise restricted. Once registered, you will be able to change your personal information and contact details, subscribe to specific publications, or change your current subscriptions. You will have access to documentation or applications only open to certain user groups.
Most of the documentation that occurs during an ESA Telecom project is only allowed to be distributed to the Agency or its Member States.
If you are not able to access certain documents or applications then you haven't received authorization by TIA. This authorization is based on your user profile, where your company is based, if you work within the Agency or whether you have a current project with ESA TIA.
A password will only be given to users and/or companies who are based in countries currently participating in TIA ARTES programmes: Austria, Belgium, Canada, The Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the U.K.
If you already have a password, please login on the right side of the page.
To register, please click on "Registration" on the right navigation bar.
Please note: EMITS and many other ESA applications have their own authentication process. The password you request here can only be used on