The objective of the activity is to assess the technical benefits and constraints of integrating satellite networks in IoT, for theITS/connected cars use case, to specify and trade-off integrated network architectures and service enablers to seamlessly integratesatellite terrestrial network infrastructures. Consequently, the activity shall propose a roadmap for the integration of satellitesin the IoT, including early entry options. The minimum set of tasks to be addressed shall include: (1) review of existing and emerging developments for IoT networking concepts and standards, (2) definition of metrics against which to assess the integration of satellite networks into IoT, (3) definition of potential scenarios referring to various satellite network topologies and technologies (MSS, FSS + terrestrial ground segment, HEO, LEO, MEO, GEO, L band to Ka band...) - mix with other missions (such as GNSS or EOS) - inuding existing or dedicated infrastructures, (4) assessment of the various scenarios against the various metrics and selection of the preferred solution(s), (5) detailed trade-off of solutions for the integrated satellite terrestrial network management, data caching, network topology and radio resources management and the overall service provisioning architecture, (6) promotion of results of the activity for development/enhancement of standards in standardisation bodies e.g., ITU-T, IETFIETF, ETSI, (7) proposal of technology development roadmap for the ARTES participating Member States industry.