The objective of the activity is to design a wide band UHF waveform that will allow European users to make a more efficient usage of the spectrum resources. The activity shall consist in (1) Establishing an inventory of current UHF spectrum situation, in particular the non-technical constraint. (2) Investigating possible contiguous spectrum/channel arrangements that would be a pre-requisite for a new wide-band waveform (3) Proposing a number of wide-band waveform solutions with their trade-off criteria (4) Selecting one waveform based on such criteria (5) Simulating the performance of selected waveform in a Software Define Radio prototype, possibly over the air or using a (commercial available) UHF satcom simulator (6) Defining the requirements for the user ground segment and theassociated ground infrastructure segment (if any - for the control of the waveform for instance) (7) Performing an initial design ofthe corresponding user terminals and ground segment terminals, assessing their performances and costs (8) Developing a business case for the potential licensing of such a waveform to tactical UHF radio manufacturers (9) Identifying a roadmap for the development of the ground segments, assessing in particular of the role of the ARTES participating states industry.