The objective of the activity is to analyse and propose solutions for dynamic satellite Radio Resource Management (RRM) supporting the competitive integration of satellite with heterogeneous terrestrial networks (e.g. optical fibre, 5G) but also early entry options i.e. integration in 4G context, offloading xDSL networks and CDNs. The minimum set of tasks to be addressed shall (1) Define Integration Reference Scenarios (2) Identify dynamic and flexible RRM schemes and capacity trading and the interplay with network virtualisation techniques (3) Analyse the impact of such RRM schemes on the associated components of multi-mission, multi-beam satellite networks and in particular satellite networks management centers and gateways (4) Review the applicability of existing interworking protocols to interconnect satellite and terrestrial networks, with the view at maximizing the integration with terrestrial products (6) Assess the value chain configurations for different services classes and the impact of new interfaces, and analyse the emerging/new actors' roles in satellite services flexible and dynamic provisioning (7) Define a roadmap for the ARTES participating states industry, including the identification of opportunities To guarantee that the results of the proposed activity will be beneficial to both satellite and terrestrial telecommunications sector, the contracted team shall include representatives of terrestrial and satellite network operators and service providers.