The objective of the activity is to develop a secure and safe tracking solution using very small and low profile antennas. The activity will develop a testbed including a multitude of user terminals and a prototype gateway to validate and demonstrate over the air the performance in rural and urban scenarios.
Targeted Improvements: Enabling a European secure tracking solution.
Existing asset tracking solutions in the safety and security world are based on systems from US manufacturers. No European solution is available that allows the use of very small and low-profile antennas to track assets on the field.
This activity will exploit advances in physical layer security, low power IoT/M2M methods and antenna technology to develop a secure and safe European civil tracking solution. The resulting system concept will be validated and demonstrated over the air using existing in-orbit assets that are readily available in all parts of the world, most likely FSS GEO systems. The activity will focus on meeting specific security requirements in terms of availability, integrity and confidentiality.
The activity will propose a system architecture and specify themain ground components, such as the user terminal and gateway. For the user terminal, specific attention will be paid to accommodation of the antenna on objects or persons. A testbed will be built, incorporating a multitude of user terminals and a prototype gateway. The testbed will validate over-the-air the performance in urban and rural scenarios. Findings and design guidelines will beshared with European industry.
Footnote: On Delegation Request activities will only be initiated onthe explicit request of at least one National Delegation.