
Priority 2: Priority 2 activities will only be initiated on the explicit request of at least one delegation.

Objective: Design, manufacturing and testing of compact Ku band multiport high power distribution network at EM level.

Targeted Improvements: 30% mass and footprint overall reduction in the multiport power amplifier (MPA).

Multiport power amplifiers (MPAs) have been successfully employed at L-band and S-band, primarily for mobile services. More recently, MPAs have been applied for multi-beam satellites where the attention has been focused on Ku- and Ka-bands.

MPA are used in order to provide power flexibility to beam allocation and to minimise the impact of the failure of one amplifier. In a MPA, equal amplifiers are inserted between two identical back-to-back multiport matrices that perform two cascaded inverse transformations.

Multiport matrices are commonly implemented by means of a butler-matrix-like structure which, together with the required filter modules, leads to bulky solutions. To reduce the overall MPA footprint and mass, the implementation of the required filtering function inside the distribution network must be considered.

Lately the feasibility of implementing the filtering and power splitting functions in a distribution network based on resonators has been demonstrated. This activity targets the design, manufacturing and test of one EM 4x4 output power distribution network integrating the required filter function. The design must consider the standard requirements of this kind of networks regarding phase and amplitude distribution between ports together with the power handling requirements (e.g. multipaction and PIM).

The work logic shall be:

  • Study of synthesis, resonators types, topologies and investigation for manufacturing methods including at least additive manufacturing and direct casting for the realisation of compact distribution networks with integrated filter functions.
  • Validation of the design concept and manufacturing methods.
  • Design, manufacturing and testing of one Ku-band EM 4x4 distribution network including mechanical, thermal and high power validation. 


Tender Specifics