
Priority 2 activities will only be initiated on the explicit request of at least one delegation.


To explore the feasibility of usage cases for EHF frequencies amongst which aeronautical broadband services that constitute an area for growth for future broadband satcom systems. To demonstrate, though the development of an appropriate system emulator, that with EHF bands the performance would be so to justify the development of new space assets. To provide supporting arguments for efficient and efffective spectrum usage of satcom services for the 5G and beyond era and propose detailed technology developments roadmaps and strategic recommendations for the MS Industry.

Targeted Improvements:

All allocated RF spectrum are now under scrutiny as large portions of spectrum is going to be reserved for the needs of future 5G deployment (i.e., in WRC15 new Action Items are established in this direction for the WRC19). Projected terrestrial 5G deployments are based on the development of new systems and services that have already begun. EHF spectrum is already proposed to be used in co-primary sharing with terrestrial networks. The satcom community needs to proactively demonstrate the potential for EHF frequencies and highlight the contribution of satellite in order to ensure usage of these allocations. Usage of EHF is expected to double the max throughput compared to existing satcom modems, reduce terminal antenna size, and prove the viability of such services.


The exploitation of Q/V bands for broadband services has the potential to significantly increase customer throughput thanks to the larger RF bandwidth available, the (relatively) interference free environment, as well as reducing the aeronautical terminal antenna size. The propagation channel effects (when flying below clouds) can be compensated thanks to the exploitation of the new DVB-S2X Very Low SNR (VLSNR) Modulation-Coding (MODCODs) combinations and thus successfully close the link during most adverse weather conditions. The proposed activity will first analyse the requirements of future broadband access and derive the specifications of next generation high throughput terminals using a Q/V band link.

A high level terminal antenna design will also be carried out. The relevant regulatory constraints shall also be analysed in detail. Then, an architectural design of the system will follow taking realistic assumptions for space segment performance. The performance of the system shall then be characterized by means of analysis and computer simulations. An extrapolation exercise to evaluate operation in W-band shall also be carried out. A system demonstrator shall be designed and developed with the target ofdemonstrating the high-speed service during the different channel propagation conditions encountered on a typical flight route. Atmospheric propagation effects shall be included together with the impacts of typical plane manoeuvres and multi-beam hand-overs.

The activity shall:

  • ïPropose and analyse the feasibility of usage areas for EHF frequencies amongst which broadband aeronautical services
  • ï‚Develop system demonstrator  Assess performance of selected services
  • Propose detailed technology development roadmaps
  • Propose strategic recommendations for the benefit of MS Industry


Tender Specifics