Objective:The objective of the activity is to develop a system demonstrator, which validates functions of a future satellite-supported eCall system. This system shall support up to 300 million vehicles. The critical key functions to be demonstrated are emergencywarning, remote vehicle diagnostics and transfer of essential passenger information. The demonstrator shall consist of a gateway emulator, which is integrated with the terrestrial network, a satellite network emulator and a prototype in-vehicle eCall modem.
Targeted Improvements: To enable a credible satellite component for the eCall system that may be proposed for standardization.
Description: The current generation of eCall (emergency call for vehicles) is being deployed in Europe and will be required by law in new carsfrom 2018. It is solely based on terrestrial communications and leaves out satellite as a complementary solution. This represents aconsiderable missed market for satellite services. However, this may be fixed, as the next generation of emergency call (NG eCall) for vehicles is already being discussed by various standardization bodies. It will allow for more services to be implemented such asremote diagnostics and control in case of emergency and remote video communication.
This activity shall support the efforts to prove that satellite communications can play an important role in the new eCall system and thus support their inclusion in the standard. There are a number of satellite solutions, which could possibly address next generation eCall requirements, but there is currently no convincing offer, which is put forward by the satellite community supported by a representative demonstration on a test bed.
This activity shall consolidate the requirements as being proposed for next generation eCall and suggest a number of satellite solutions. Developments related to terrestrial implementation of next generation eCall and connected cars initiatives shall be considered. The activity will then develop a system concept that will be implemented and demonstrated in a test bed. Critical key functions to be demonstrated are emergency warning, remote vehicle diagnostics and transfer of essential passenger information. The demonstrator shall consist of a gateway emulator integrated with the terrestrial network, a satellite network emulator and a prototype in-vehicle eCall modem. The test bed shall be convincing to the stakeholders, which are considering satellite communications for next generation eCall.
Tender Specifics