The objective of this activity is to develop a flexible Optical Solar Reflector (OSR) to ease all the AIT activities related to OSRthat withstand in-orbit ageing and that has similar or better optical properties than the standard OSR (bonded glass). Optimisationof AIT activities related to OSR, improved thermo optical properties.
Targeted Improvements: Optimisation of AIT activities related to OSR, improved thermo optical properties.
OSR have very good optical properties (alpha/epsilon) but are expensive because of the manufacturing and integrating cost and fragile (can be broken during AIT activities).
Alternatives such as Second Surface Mirror (SSM) using kapton blankets and made with polymers have worse optical properties and are not suitable for geostationary orbits given their high sensibility to radiation.
The aim of this activity is to develop new material and process (M&P) that needs less manufacturing and integration time with similar or better optical properties to OSRs already used on telecom programs. This new M&P shall withstand the constraints imposed by 15 years in geostationary orbit (thermal cycles and radiation).
Work logic:
Task 1: Critical review of the key properties for OSR assemblies: optical properties, handling, mechanical properties, electrical conductivity, and their evolution with environmental constraints. Review of the state of the art technologies (OSR, SSM) and definition of the requirements for the candidate materials.
Task 2: Identification of the candidate materials that satisfy the requirements established in Task 1.
Task 3: Manufacturing of samples.
Task 4: Tests on small samples in order to select the most appropriate technique/process. Tests shall include optical properties (absorptivity and emissivity), mechanical properties, electrical properties for pristine samples, before and after ageing tests.
Characterisation of the critical properties in the End Of Life case is particularly important: representative ageing tests have to be done with an emphasis on synergistic effects. Characterisation is needed at surface level and also for the bulk material. Vacuum thermal cycles, protons and electron irradiation with a representative dose profile through all the sample thickness, UV irradiation shall be performed to fully characterise the process
Procurement Policy: C(1) = Activity restricted to non-prime contractors (incl. SMEs). For additional information please go to EMITS news "Industrial Policy measures for non-primes, SMEs and R&D entities in ESA programmes".
Tender Specifics