The objective of this activity is to develop the technology to allow Digital Signal Processor based equipment to directly output anRF signal, thus avoiding the need for an up-converter.
Targeted Improvements:
Elimination of the baseband (BB) or intermediate frequency (IF) to RF converters required to support digitally processed payloads, and digital modulators. Thus saving mass, power and cost.
The output of the current generation of digital processors, used on commercial satellite missions, is either at baseband, or a low IF. This signal must then be up‐converted to the operating frequency of the spacecraft, such as C, Ku or Ka‐band. The need for these up‐converters significantly increases the cost per output of Digital processed payloads.
A number of techniques are becoming available in ground applications, which allow the direct conversion of digital signals into RF. For example the combination of a conventional DAC with a Gilbert Cell up‐converter, or direct digital modulators.
The activity will start by review the existing techniques for converting directly from Digital to RF, and establishing their suitability for use in a space flight application. A preferred technique will then be selected for breadboarding. A demonstration breadboard shall then be manufactured and tested. Finally a road map for future development and
exploitation shall be established.
The direct converter shall generate an output which encompasses at least C‐Band and Ku‐band. The technique shall have the possibility to scale the solution to Ka‐band in the short term future if it is not already achievable.
Tender Specifics