The proposed EPR concept allows the pressure reduction/regulation by using a high pressure regulation & insulation valve directly interfaced to the high pressure node Targeted improvements: The EPR will operate in closed loop control with a low pressure transducer (sensing element of the control) allowing a high degree of flexibility and versatility in the regulation process and features. Description: So far pressure regulators for on board propulsion (electrical, chemical) have been based on mechanical regulators or on electronic regulators of the bang-bang type. The proposed Electronic Pressure Regulator (EPR) concept implements the pressure regulation using an analog actuation flow throttling device allowing to overcome the limitations and lack of flexibility of the traditional regulator. The key element of the proposed EPR is a proportional pressure regulation valve. One candidate for the valve s the high pressure regulation & insulation (piezo) valve (HP RIV) that has been developed and qualified in the frame of an ARTES contract. The control philosophy, based on a proportional/integrative operation, uses the error signal between the desired low pressure set point and the actual low pressure level. It is measured by a pressure transducer to generate the voltage signal that allow the piezo mechanism of the valve to progressively open or close the orifice. This enables the 'chasing' of the desired low pressure level. The configuration is able to adjust the outlet regulated pressure over a wide range of inlet pressures and flow rates. The major advantages of an EPR w.r.t a mechanical regulator are: - Pressure set point adjustable in flight (via telecommand). - Extremely low internal leak rate and high reliability to leak failure. - Very high accuracy and very small residual 'ripple' in the regulated pressure. - Export license free technology. - Aid to system testing at spacecraft site and possibility to perform investigation/recovery actions in flight. - Increase the 'no maintenance' time frame prior to launch. - Elimination of the 'plenums', thus reducing the mass and the envelopes. The proposed EPR will be developed at EM level. The EPR design shall be validated also through fluidic modelisations. The EPR configuration is based on a fluidic section (non redunded) and an electronic section. The study logic will be as follows: - Requirements assessment - identification of requirements for proposed range of applications covering electric and chemical propulsion applications. - Unit design definition - including detailed fluidic performance model and baseline design configuration. - Engineering Model detailed design and manufacturing preparations - including design description, manufacturing process flow and process definitions. - Engineering Model manufacturing, assembly, integration and test - including full function and performance tests and pre-qualification environmental tests. Review of design and development planning to qualification - including qualification plan and ROM non-recurring and recurring cost estimates.
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