Modern day levels of urbanisation are unprecedented and, according to the United Nations, the upward trend is set to continue. Globally, the level of urbanization is expected to rise to 67% in 2050, a level that is already exceeded in the EU. As such, cities around the world share a common set of challenges for their future development and sustainability in terms of mobility, resource management, environment, energy, infrastructure and public buildings, government and citizenship, public safety, health, education, human capital and culture, and all this amid the burgeoning digital economy. In support of providing measures and services addressing thesechallenges there is a need for the right information and (communication) infrastructure have the potential to play a major role inthis. It is expected that data and communication capabilities of satellites will play an ever more important role in applications thatsupport the development and operation of Future Cities services. With this feasibility study the European Space Agency is looking for solutions integrating the capabilities of at least two space assets (e.g. Satellite Communication, Satellite Navigation, EarthObservation, Human Spaceflight) with terrestrial assets in order to provide services in support of Future Cities applications. The objective of the feasibility study is to validate the sustainability of the business opportunity for the integrated solution proposed. The study shall focus on the pro-active development and use of so-called "smart" capabilities that introduce methodologies and services to measure, manage and improve the infrastructure and networks of existing cities through the inclusion and integration of spacecapabilities. As such it shall provide an information service in support of multiple future city applications. Based on an elaboration of users and stakeholders and their needs and conditions, the study shall define potential services and the related integrated system, as well as validate its technical feasibility and commercial viability. Based on the potential market, the required developments, the risks and critical success factors, the study shall provide a roadmap towards a sustainable operation. A Proof of Concept is planned for the study to demonstrate the proposed solution on a small scale. The active participation of at least two future cities as well as the providers of the future applications will be required.