Objective: To develop a full European solution for helium tank passivation for current telecommunication platforms.
Targeted improvements: The improvement is aimed to allow passivation of helium tanks, which is currently not possible, by the development of a latch/venting valve and associated sub-system level ancillaries.
Space law will require this capability in the foreseeable future and wishes to promote the necessary design improvements with industry in anticipation of this.
The study will examine possible solutions and needs for hardware development, in relation to the existing European platforms, as well as giving guidelines for the means to implement on platforms currently in development.
Starting Point:
A US company already has in place the technology and the building blocks to permit effective end-of-life passivation.
In order to be prepared for the Space Law requirement, design changes will need to be introduced to current propulsion subsystems. Development of an ITAR free solution.
Work Logic:
- Evaluation and definition of system level requirements.
- Identification of available building blocks within Europe.
- Identification of additional elements to be developed.
- Breadboarding of critical components and evaluation of lifetime tests to be addressed.