Objective: Development of a generic and scalable High Power High Voltage Transformer for Power Processing Units (PPU) with emphasison Full Electric Propulsion Spacecraft using High Power thrusters.
Targeted Improvements: Improvement of performances, increase ofpower, optimisation of thermomechanical properties, reduction of complexity, reduction of recurring production cost, increase levelof industrialisation, increase level of flexibility.
Background information
High Voltage transformers are one of the major and central element of Power Processing Units for Electric Propulsion. Their output voltage and power depends on the thruster technology used. Typically the High Voltage isolation requirements have a penalising impact on the mass/volume and thermal properties which demand very efficient and smart designs.
Starting point
High voltage transformers for electric propulsion are already available from all major suppliers for current state of the art power processing units. Actual transformers are able to operate at power levels of up to approximately 2.5kW mostly manufactured with conventional manual methods.
Higher power levels and voltages usually lead to more bulky and complex entities. Furthermore, modern PPU designs increase the degree of flexibility by design in order to cover various applications in a generic design approach. However, due to these constraints and being a central element of a PPU, further increase of power levels for high power electric thrusters, increased flexibility require transformers which are able to cover these needs. Being one of the most cost driving elements of today's PPUs, an improvement of the transformer can serve as
a basis for more and cost efficient PPU designs.
Work logic
a) Specification and refinement of transformer requirements based on most promising EP thruster technology and applications;
b) Selection of baseline transformer design;
c) Development of generic and scalable transformer module;
d) Design, manufacturing and evaluation of a representative High Power High Voltage Transformer Breadboard/Prototype.
Tender Specifics