The main objective of this activity is to develop a fibre coupled, hermetically sealed packaged and impedance matched photodiode able to handle optical input power >120 mW when modulated with Ka band frequencies (>20 GHz) offering photonic RF links of very high dynamic range. Such Photonic RF links are employed extensively in most microwave-photonic PL designs currently under development by ESA.
Targeted Improvements:
The target of the proposed activity is to increase the optical input power handling capability of photoreceivers supporting modulation frequencies above 20 GHz from about 10 mW today to more than 120 mW. This will improve the dynamic range and linearity of the photonic RF links, which will support the implementation of Photonic links, with their lower mass.
The Agency has been developing telecom payload designs based on microwave-photonic technologies including the routing and distribution of RF signals, for the past 10 years. It has become apparent that the photo-diode’s limited ability to handling high incident optical power at high frequencies is a major obstacle to providing high-quality microwave photonic signal transmission due to the constraints this imposes on the spurious free dynamic range of the link. Current R&D activities in the area of photo-diodes have been driven by ground applications, such as the use of antenna remoting in wireless applications, were photonic RF links are used between base stations.
Among Photo-diode technologies, UniTravelling Carrier (UTC) structures is a breakthrough approach with significant advantages in terms of power handling, bandwidth, and low-voltage operation, for which a definite technology gap exists in Europe with respect to US.
However the technology has now reached an appropriate level of maturity, to leverage the developments of this innovative photodiode technology into spaceborne photonic RF systems, and the proposed development work is recommended by the CTB Photonic working group and responds to the recommendations of the ARTES 5.1 activities working on photonic payload designs.
The activity will include a review of the state of the art in innovative photodiodes with emphasis on fabrication processes for microwave and optical elements in the high power regime (optical fibre coupling, RF matching, appropriate packaging for thermal management, hermeticity, shock & vibration tolerance) with a view to obtain reliable components with optical power handling of Popt>120mW and BW>20GHz.
The following logic is to be followed:
Task: Review of Photo-detector technologies (photodiode-match filter circuitry-package) and selection of preferred one.
Task: Design of the Photo-detector package
Task: Manufacturing and Testing of a breadboard
Task: Test Results Analysis, Conclusions and Recommendations
Procurement Policy: C(1) = Activity restricted to non-prime contractors (incl. SMEs). For additional information please go to EMITS news "Industrial Policy measures for non-primes, SMEs and R&D entities in ESA programmes".
Tender Specifics