
Priority 2 activities will only be initiated on the explicit request of at least one delegation.


Selection of new materials and manufacturing high voltage modules in order to replace materials, which may become obsolete due to commercial issues, export restrictions and/or critical REACH classification.

Targeted Improvements:

Cost reduction (and avoidance of severe cost impact after materials obsolescence) and improved sustainability.

Starting point:

High voltage modules with potted insulation are typically used in the power supplies of telecom transmitters as part of the EPC (Electrical Power Conditioners of the Ku, Ka, S, Q-Band) and of PPUs (Power Processing Units for Electric Propulsion). Many of the existing materials and process agents are endangered to be restricted in use by export restrictions (ITAR) or by possible critical REACH classification (possible banning due to chemical safety requirements). The process to replace an existing material in flightworthy product may take many years, and involves high costs. Therefore it is important to start evaluation and characterisation of alternatives well ahead.


Various potting materials as epoxy, polyurethane and silicone are already used in various high voltage products. Most used material for high voltage transformer is epoxy resin. A major constituent of epoxy resin is bisphenol A, a chemical that is under discussion to be banned or restricted. Alternatives are available, but need to be selected and evaluated.


An obsolescence of a potting material in a space product will create a huge impact on existing production lines for EPCs and PPUs. Competitiveness can be lost, in case of sudden obsolescence and cost for recovery are high. Furthermore, the evaluation of new materials always offer the chance of further improvements in process/cost optimisation or in extending the product range.

Work logic:

a) Analysis of existing materials and processes for HV- modules in terms of properties and risk of obsolescence and export restrictions;

b) Market survey of alternative materials in terms of suitability for replacement and improvement under consideration of obsolescence and export restrictions;

c) Selection of >2 promising candidates and performance of evaluation testing;

d) Selection of a final candidate design of a core part of a high voltage module (transformer or high voltage electronics).

e) Performance of evaluation testing.

Tender Specifics